World Geography Bowl

Undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in programs at institutions in the SEDAAG region and registered for the 2024 SEDAAG meeting are eligible to participate in the World Geography Bowl competition during the meeting.  The Round Robin portion of the competition begins on Sunday with an exciting Finals Round on Monday evening.  Different states have different procedures for fielding teams.  Students who are uncertain how to join their state team should contact Dr. Dawn Drake, SEDAAG World Geography Bowl Director, at or watch the SEDAAG Facebook page for calls for participation.

Participants in the competition at SEDAAG will be ranked by their individual average points scored per round.  The highest scoring students will be invited to be a part of SEDAAG’s team at AAG in Detroit in 2025.  Those students who represent SEDAAG on the team at AAG will receive travel funding from both SEDAAG and the AAG. More details on the AAG team can be obtained from Dr. Dawn Drake.

In case you haven’t heard of it, the World Geography Bowl is a ‘quiz bowl’ style team competition where all the questions are geographically oriented. Think Jeopardy! but with teams of six players instead of everyone competing alone, and the category is always “World Geography”. Each state in the division is invited to send a team to represent it in the competition. Please note that we will be starting with registration beginning at 10am. If you are interested, there are several ways you can get involved.

Are you a student? Then you can compete! Below are a list of state team coordinators that you can get in touch with to join. If your state is not listed, please email me at to get more information.

Tennesseans wishing to play should contact Dr. Andrew Joyner, East Tennessee State University (

Virginians wishing to play should contact Dr. Joe Nicholas, University of Mary Washington (

West Virginians wishing to plat should contact Dr. Tom Saladyga, Concord University (

Students from all other states should contact me directly for more information (

Are you a faculty member? Then you have options! We are in dire need of volunteers to be judges and scorekeepers on Sunday November 19th. Don’t worry, we can train you. We are also seeking faculty members willing to coordinate teams for Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, and North and South Carolina. We are always seeking new volunteers on the committee. If you would like to write questions, we have openings for that as well. Just email me at

And finally, whether you are a student or faculty member, I invite you to come and cheer on the teams, especially at the Monday evening November 20th Dream Team vs. All Stars and Championship rounds.

Dr. Dawn Drake

Below are links to PDFs about World Geography Bowl and how to run an event.

General Information

Rules of Play
Team Formation

How to Run a WGB Event

Room Design

5 Team Events
6 Team Events
7 Team Events
8 Team Events
9 Team Events
10 Team Events
11 Team Events
