Special sessions and panel discussions are a valuable contribution to SEDAAG and a way to build professional networks as well as cast light on cutting-edge themes, theories, and methods. Organizers of special sessions or panels should adhere to the following additional guidelines:
Special session and panel plans (see next paragraph) should be submitted by Thursday, October 1, 2020, and the abstracts to be submitted online by authors on Friday, October 9, 2020. This earlier date will give the program committee adequate time to read special session and panel plans and address any questions.
Special Session or Panel Plan
Organizers of special session or panels need to provide a draft special-session or panel plan. Please send your organized session plan to the Program Chair ( in a Word attachment and marked in the subject line “Special Session SEDAAG”. In the Word document please include:
- Session or Panel title
- Session/panel chair name, affiliation and email address
- Zoom assistant name, affiliation and email address; *note that per AAG suggestion, we highly recommend designating a “Zoom assistant” to each session. This person will help participants navigate simple functions in Zoom during the session, such as ‘share screen’, audio, and chat functions, should questions arise. By designating an assistant for this purpose, the session chair can focus on content.
- Intended paper titles for special session, with all authors’ names, affiliations, and email addresses, and titles of their paper
- Panelists’ names, affiliations, and email addresses.
- The order in which you want to the papers to be presented (if applicable).
Participants in special sessions should make sure to submit their individual paper abstracts by the Friday, October 9, 2020 deadline. Please have your participants identify your session name when submitting their abstracts.
Graduate Student Honor Competition
Abstract Submission