2014 Annual Meeting Information and Registration

Invitation to 69th SEDAAG meeting

The Department of Geography at the University of Georgia welcomes the SEDAAG membership to Athens, Georgia, for the 69th meeting of the Division. The meeting will be held November 23-25, 2014, at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education on the campus of UGA.  Room rates per night are $104 for a single, $134 for a double, and $169-409 for a suite, using the 83138 group code. Participants can call 1-800-884-1381 or book a room at the Georgia Center online at http://www.georgiacenter.uga.edu/uga-hotel.  Rooms are blocked for the conference until October 23, 2014. (Reservations made after that date will be subject to availability.)  Conference registration information is available at http://geography.uga.edu/sedaag-2014. Thomas Mote is the local arrangements coordinator and can be contacted at tmote@uga.edu. NOTE: People presenting papers or posters at the annual meeting must be a current member of SEDAAG. If you are not a SEDAAG member, please join before registering for the meeting. Go to the SEDAAG website at http://www.sedaag.org/membership to apply for membership. If you do not wish to join SEDAAG, please pay the non-member registration fee, which is the equivalent of the regular registration fee plus membership dues. It is the hope of the Executive Committee that all meeting participants will choose to join SEDAAG and enjoy the benefits of membership, which include a subscription to the Southeastern Geographer.

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