Preparing for the Meeting:
- Create a FREE AAG Account before you Register for the Conference — Registration – AAG (you must be a SEDAAG member to register for the conference).
- Renew your SEDAAG Membership, click here.
- Register for the Conference – Registration Link
- Member Early Registration Rates (Through October 15)
- Students $75
- Faculty/Professional $175
- Student (Without membership): $120
- Faculty/Professional (Without membership): $275
- Member Late Registration Rates (After October 15)
- Students $85
- Faculty/Professional $200
- Student (Without membership): $130
- Faculty/Professional (Without membership): $300
- Member Early Registration Rates (Through October 15)
- Please book your stay at the Hyatt Regency Greenville Hotel using the following link:
- Last day to book at this price is November 2, 2024!!
- Please be advised that it is crucial for members to stay at the Hyatt Regency Greenville for our upcoming conference. If we do not meet our block room rate, SEDAAG will incur additional costs, potentially leading to higher registration fees in the future. To support our organization and maintain reasonable fees. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Field Trips:
Field Trip Option 1: Changing Urban Dynamics of Place in Greenville: Black Geographies and Socio-Environmental Resilience
Day/Time: Sunday, 10 am departure from the hotel lobby, 12 pm ending at Unity Park
Cost – $20 (food and beverage available for purchase at The Commons)
Max Number – 20
Description: The purpose of this field trip is to experience the changing economic, social, recreational and physical changes in downtown Greenville. Greenville has grown and developed rapidly through an emphasis on urban placemaking denoted by the slogan, “Yeah, that Greenville!” Greenville has embarked on signature efforts such as improving downtown, attracting businesses, tourists, and sports teams by building on its environmental and recreational amenities that include addressing past racial harms, flooding and climate resilience. However, this development has created and exacerbated tensions leaving many residents, especially African-Americans feeling abandoned and displaced due to gentrification and lack of opportunities that has led to growing economic inequality. The tour will walk from the heart of downtown Greenville on the Swamp Rabbit Trail along the Reedy River and up to Unity Park.
Field Trip Option 2 Cost – $20 (includes transportation, box lunch, park entry, and parking) Max Number – 20 Day/Time: Sunday, 9 am departure from the hotel, 2 pm return Description: The purpose of this field trip is to visit localities in Jones Gap State Park and examine geomorphology, structure, and landslide activity along the foot of the Blue Ridge Escarpment. The Middle Saluda River that flows through Jones Gap State Park is deeply incised into granitic gneisses, with ~2000 feet of local relief. A scenic river, excellent rock exposures, and access to historic and more recent landslides within a short hike make this an ideal field trip. Requires hiking along a moderately sloped trail. Packed lunch and park entrance included.
Be sure to check out SEDAAG Social Media:
Twitter – SEDAAG (@SEDAAG4) / X (
Facebook – SEDAAG (Southeastern Division of the American Association of Geographers)
Instagram – Southeastern Division of the AAG (@southeasterndivisionaag) | Instagram profile
More details on the levels of sponsorships and benefits can be found here.